What is Composting?
Composting is nature's way of recycling. Composting biodegrades organic waste, such as, food waste, manure, leaves, grass trimmings, paper, wood, feathers, crop residue, and so on, and turns it into a valuable organic fertilizer.

Composting is not a mysterious or complicated process. Anyone with basic mobility can compost. Natural recycling (composting) occurs on a continuous basis in the natural environment. The resulting nutrients are returned to the soil to support plant growth.

The composting process is comprised of four main parts: air, water, browns, and greens.

  • AIR: In order for fast decomposition, the compost pile must have plenty of air. This means that it is essential for the compost materials to be regularly “fluffed” and turned.
  • WATER: The pile should always be moist, not wet. If the pile is too dry, the decomposition will be slowed. If the pile is too wet, air is kept from circulating in the pile and decomposition will slow.
  • BROWNS: Dry and dead plant material. This includes straw, brown weeds, dry leaves, wood chips, and sawdust. These materials often need to be moistened before added to the compost.
  • GREENS: Fresh plant material. This includes green weeds, fruit and vegetable scraps, green leaves, coffee grounds, tea bags, etc.

Why Compost?

1. Reduce overall waste

Composting can reduce your waste by up to 50% making a dramatic impact on our landfills. Don't forget, having less garbage means you save money by lowering your garbage costs!

2. Fight global warming

Organic waste that is not composted ends up in the landfill where it produces harmful greenhouse gasses (especially methane) and toxic material that leaches into the ground and can pollute groundwater.

3. Make a difference everyday and feel good

Composting is an environmental initiative you can feel good about participating in - everyday! Feel good knowing you're making a real positive impact on our community and environment.

4. Soil builder

Compost is a natural and valuable resource. Not only does it add nutrients to the soil, but it also promotes root growth by helping soil retain water. This encourages plants to build expansive root systems, which increases drought resistance, protects the ground from erosion, and prevents runoff of polluted materials into our waters.

Types of Composting

  • Aerobic Composting:
    This is composting with air.
  • Anaerobic Composting:
    This is composting without air.
  • Vermicomposting:
    This is composting with worms.